Monday, September 28, 2009

Birthday Party Survivors!

We survived Reed turning 2!!! It was a really fun party. We had to have it in the garage because Todd aeriated the yard and it rained so it looked like we had "lots of dog poop" in our yard as my nephew so kindly put it!

The pinata was a hit! Reed loved the suckers as you can tell in the pictures. Reed loved his cake and he as asked for cake everyday since. He must be his father's son!

Reed really loved all his presents. The Little People Fun Park is great! It has a "vroom" (car) that goes down the roller coaster and Reed has put everything that rolls down the the track! He loves his monkey that Daddy got him and the medical set Grandma gave him. We have colored with the bathtub crayons everynight as well. Aunt Audrey, Reed can draw a mean "RRRRARRRAARR" (tiger)! Oh, and the view finder is fun, but still a little scary...he can figure out how it talks to him! Funny!

Or favorite might be "MelMO" Reed dances with it and is hilarious. He wanted to take all his presents to daycare this morning!

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