Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Car Woes!

Well for those of you who have been following ALL the car woes I have had through out my life, you know that when it comes to vehicles, if I don't have bad luck I don't have any. And admittedly some of my many woes could have been avoided, some are just pure STINKING BAD LUCK!

Last month I was driving down K-15 highway, going the speed limit and thinking I was on time to see my next patient(for once)! When out of the wild blue yonder and across two lanes of traffic I see a vehicle driving very fast into the oncoming traffic! In other words right at the cars in the lane next to me! I think, oh dear this person must have had a heart attack or stroke to lose control like that. Just then his car strikes a one way street sign and the post and all come catapulting across one lane of traffic and it is headed at me like a javelin! I managed to veer right onto a cross-street but to be limited by an oncoming train so I could go no farther to the right, only to be hit by the sign on my front bumper. I did however, manage to avoid rear-ending the car in front of me that slammed on the brakes and getting rear-ended by the car behind me. Did I mention we were all going about 50 mph? Who says that I can't defensively drive and that you don't use physics in real life! I was all about judging speed, angles, trajectory, and space to limit the collision as much as possible. Thankfully no one was hurt, not even the driver of the other car. I still don't know what he was doing, but my car will soon be getting repaired for the $2000.00 worth of damage the one-way street sign inflicted.

TODAY!!! Oh, boy...I got my LOCKED car broken in to at a patient's home at 11AM today. Now, stupid that I left my purse, cell phone and GPS in the car, but I am not a pack mule and I don't take everything I own into every home. I hid my purse and GPS. Phone was in the purse along with my wallet, my valuable plastic cards, and Todd's and my passports were still in there from vacation. My car had no visible damage and apparently there is technology that allows people to copy your remote entry signal to gain access to your car! That is what the WPD think happened. So, I am recovering from nausea and heart failure and a day on the phone protecting my identity and bank accounts.

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