Saturday, January 30, 2010

Reed's Two Year Old Pictures...a few months late

Here is a slide show of Reed's two year old pictures. They were taken at Clix here in Derby and I thought they did a great job in a short efficient amount of time. I was pleased. Plus I got the copyright of the prints. These were taken a couple weeks before Christmas and a few months after his 2nd birthday. So, I'm slowly catching up. Spent some down time today organizing pictures on the computer and playing with Photoshop! How fun!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dog Bank

For Christmas this year Reed got a bank that is shaped like a dog. When Reed saw it for the first time he called it a "dog barn" we said no it is a "bank" so we showed him how to put some pennies in it that we had in the "loose" change dish.

And so it begins...any thing that is round and shiny is "a monies" and goes in the "dog bank". Reed will randomly find something, gasps and runs to his room. I was amazed to think that we had that much loose change around, I mean we could be millionaires and not know it!

So the other day I looked in his bank...there are buttons, one earring (looks like a coin shape),a Canadian quarter, some pesos, and some game pieces that are like small poker chips! There was also a lot of change in there... Reed caught me looking in his bank and was mortified that I was taking his "monies"!

Tonight I had on a necklace that my friend Libby gave me, and it is a gold disc shape...Reed tried to pull it off to put in his Dog Bank. I told him it wasn't money, bet he kept asking until bedtime to see if I'd change my mind!

I am glad he is a saver! I want to take him to the bank to put his monies' in there but I'm not sure he will let them keep it. He loves his monies!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


One of the things that I am behind on with this blog is all the funny things Reed says. His language is developing every day and he says something new and funny. He is Mr. Independent. More often than not, I hear "Reed do it!" with much passion. He thinks he can scramble eggs (his favorite) - toast bread - stir chocolate milk - get "toot nacks" aka fruit snacks all by himself. He also thinks that anything flavored chocolate is "chocomilk".

Most recently Reed was watching a movie in our bedroom with his cars. Todd always has a glass of water by the bed, before I could stop him "Lightning, shower Mom, oh Dad wet bed, night night, no, no!" in other words Reed poured the glass of water on his car right where Todd would sleep!

Last week I was in a fender bender...I know another story all in itself. Needless to say my front bumper is mangled and it looks chewed up. Reed saw it..said 'Oh, Mom car broken, Prune did it (with an affirmative nod, like he'd seen that before)'. Prune is Truman our chocolate lab! Highly probable but not this time, buddy!

The Scrapbook Bug has Bitten!

Okay, I'm ready! I have all these scrapbook layouts buzzing around in my head. I am so ready to go to Cropaganza with my girlfriends that I can't hardly stand it. I am trying to get pictures ordered and all the stuff ready. Plus two weekends within a month with my girls...who can beat that!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fun Weekend w/ Girlfriends!

I am very blessed to have wonderful girlfriends in my life. Every girl needs them. This last weekend my dear friend Libby was in town with her two beautiful children. We were able to play at the park on Friday evening with the kids. It is so fun to watch all their different personalities grow and develop!

Saturday Libby and my other dear friends Lexy and Randa took all the kids including Reed and Randa's two to the bouncy houses in Wichita. I was on call and I must admit I am jealous that I did not get to go do this very fun thing! I will so be making a trip with Reed again soon! From all was a blast! Reed told me "Reed jump high to the moon, jump high in sky, Mom!"

Saturday evening after much babysitting drama...was spent at one of our old haunts with some Mommy beverages and lots of good girl time. Something I really needed.

And then it was Sunday...Reed and Mommy slept!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

This is for Kelly!

Okay, so I am way behind on my blogging! And one of my resolutions will be to do better! Ha! Already behind. A patient told me the other day something that I told him I was going to steal. I asked him how he was doing that day...and he replied, "well, in the rat race of life I am at least a few laps behind and probably have been lapped by everyone else at least once!" That is exactly how I feel!

So, I will at my family's request...(Kelly and others - no, Kelly you weren't the only one that commented I was behind on the blog! :) ) I will do my best to update a little every night or every other to get caught up!

Today was a great day, we celebrated my Grandma Thompson's 89th birthday. She said, she guessed we'd keep having these parties until she kicks the bucket! Gotta love Grandma's humor! It was great to see everyone. I'll try to blog more about her tomorrow, because it is WAY past my bedtime and I would love to put down my thoughts with a clear head!