Sunday, January 17, 2010

This is for Kelly!

Okay, so I am way behind on my blogging! And one of my resolutions will be to do better! Ha! Already behind. A patient told me the other day something that I told him I was going to steal. I asked him how he was doing that day...and he replied, "well, in the rat race of life I am at least a few laps behind and probably have been lapped by everyone else at least once!" That is exactly how I feel!

So, I will at my family's request...(Kelly and others - no, Kelly you weren't the only one that commented I was behind on the blog! :) ) I will do my best to update a little every night or every other to get caught up!

Today was a great day, we celebrated my Grandma Thompson's 89th birthday. She said, she guessed we'd keep having these parties until she kicks the bucket! Gotta love Grandma's humor! It was great to see everyone. I'll try to blog more about her tomorrow, because it is WAY past my bedtime and I would love to put down my thoughts with a clear head!


Libby said...

welcome back :) can't wait to see you this weekend!!

Kelly Thomas said...

Thanks Christy for doing a blog...i have really missed your sense of humor...I was sad that I didn't get to see you this past weekend...Maybe in the spring at a baseball game! Keep up with the blogging!!

Amy said...

I love his perspective on his life, I might just steal it as well