Monday, April 18, 2011

Garage Sale success!!

Well, other than a cough I developed from being in the dust of my attic and the wind of the last several days I have successfully survived another garage sale with my friends. I would have to say it was a roaring success. I am not the organization behind the operation but I have good manual labor skills and some aptitude for selling our stuff. It was the most profitable one to date. So I hope there is a swing set in my backyard's future....We would love it!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

High Points of Spring!

Yeah for spring!! We are so ready to be outside!! The Hackleman's love the outdoors, playing in the yard, Todd planting grass and other plants, playing ball, watching ball, you name it! Reed has had a blast driving his Gator that he got for Christmas, running with Truman, throwing the raquetball to Jack, learning to throw overhand to his Dad and Mom (most of the time, I get to be the "ump guy") We are still not sure what hand we have going on...he hits and golfs left handed (w/ right handed clubs) and picks and chooses which to throw with. It is about equal distance and accuracy with either so Todd is hoping for the dual handed pitcher like the guy from Creighton. Should be interesting to see what develops! We have also gotten to play several days at the park and have even flown a kite a day or two. Reed and I have also enjoyed some playdates with friends. Reed got to invite his friend from daycare, Dalton over a few weekends a go. The boys had been planning all kinds of stuff to do! They have really gotten into Super Mario Brothers, I think from Dalton's older sister's DS...anyway there is a lot of pretend play with Mario and Luigi. Reed loves to pretend that he is Luigi and even likes to dress like him in his "Jingles" aka Overalls! Took me a few attempts to figure that one out. He finally told me he wanted to wear the things that go over the arms and have the things that jingle on the buttons in the front...overalls! Reed still loves his animals and knowing all about them. Tigers are still the best but his favorite color is red now! There is hope for the Sooners! He is a smart little guy and loves to count and learn his letters. Can't believe he will go to pre-school in the fall! Here are a few pictures of some of our spring adventures!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Catching up!

What a whirlwind of last few months. We have survived the holidays, a few illnessess, and lots of snow. We have had a few slow months at work which have been nice for catching up at home but tough on the pocketbook. Things are picking up again just in time for a massisve amount of new Medicare regulations and form changes!! ARRGGHH! - which is my most favorite saying as Reed repeats that and "not TO-DAY!" all the time. That was his favorite thing to say as we tackled potty training.

ME: "Reed do you need to potty?"
Reed: "Nope, not TOOO-DAAAY(w/ a little uplift in his voice!)Mom!"

Needless to say he decided to learn to use the toilet and not have to hold it in all day. However, there was a lot of lobbying for pull-ups. I told him that when the pull-ups ran out then we were not going to buy any more. He promptly told me: "Well, I just will talk to my dad and he will take me to Tawget to get more! Cuz, Tawget has wots of them Mom!"

We have survived this as well and although we are still in pull-ups at night I think we have the rest of the bathroom thing figured out! Yea!!!