Thursday, February 17, 2011

Catching up!

What a whirlwind of last few months. We have survived the holidays, a few illnessess, and lots of snow. We have had a few slow months at work which have been nice for catching up at home but tough on the pocketbook. Things are picking up again just in time for a massisve amount of new Medicare regulations and form changes!! ARRGGHH! - which is my most favorite saying as Reed repeats that and "not TO-DAY!" all the time. That was his favorite thing to say as we tackled potty training.

ME: "Reed do you need to potty?"
Reed: "Nope, not TOOO-DAAAY(w/ a little uplift in his voice!)Mom!"

Needless to say he decided to learn to use the toilet and not have to hold it in all day. However, there was a lot of lobbying for pull-ups. I told him that when the pull-ups ran out then we were not going to buy any more. He promptly told me: "Well, I just will talk to my dad and he will take me to Tawget to get more! Cuz, Tawget has wots of them Mom!"

We have survived this as well and although we are still in pull-ups at night I think we have the rest of the bathroom thing figured out! Yea!!!

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