Tuesday, November 17, 2009

When You're 2...There Is A Purpose?!?

Tonight Reed was into everything as usual. Todd is working this evening so it has been just me and Reed. These nights are special because it is just Reed and Mommy so we play and we eat things for supper that Daddy wouldn't want...like breakfast. So we had chocolate chip pancakes and scrambled eggs. Reed ate so good that he got to get a "suher" aka "sucker" before bathtime. I don't really mind him having them because he usually takes about 10 licks and then puts it down somewhere and leaves it and then I can through it away. Well, tonight I noticed where he laid it down and I went to run him some bathwater. While I was gone...I heard clattering in the kitchen. He was standing on a chair getting into the cabinet where I moved the Glad Press-n-seal (to avoid Reed from getting into it when it was in the drawer!)He had Press-n-seal strung out about 4 feet trying to tear it off. So I tore it off and was going to through it away when Reed runs and gets his sucker and grabs the end and starts wrapping it up. I let him have the rest and he wrapped all 4 feet very meticulously around the sucker and then said..."save ater, mom!" Obviously, I had done this for him a few times and we saved the sucker for later! What I now question is whether this was his intent all along or if this was an after thought to avoid getting in trouble?!? :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Man of a Few More Words...

Reed's vocabulary and personality are ever developing!! He has expanded his need to have certain items on his clothing to his diapers. He will only wear the ones with Mack from Cars on them (which is every other pull-up in the pack) I'm having to lobby to get any other car character on him without a major meltdown!

I have also decided to pursue the new look of the Sooners mascot...Boomer the Horse...Wagons aren't fun, but horses are! I will turn him into a Sooner yet, just you wait!

As for his vocabulary...I wanted to write down some of the phrases that he is constantly telling us about. He is now talking in more syllables and a few word phrases. He is obsessed with balloons still and is highly concerned about the red balloon popping in the book Goodnight Moon. And finally...I get to be "Mommy"! He has always called me "Mom" and I didn't think I'd ever get to be "Mommy" but after he came home from Nana's I've been Mommy ever since.

Here are some of his phrases:
"Boon popped!"
"Boon high up sky"
"Reed jump high!"
"Prune's bone" (Truman's bone...)
"No, no Jack..."
"Dat, byebye to house"
"Dat, nighnigh house"
"Dalt bite Reed"

Stay tuned for more phrases!!

Where were the boys?

Well, with this fun girls weekend going on...the Hackleman boys had to find something to do...So Todd went to see the Tigers beat K-state and Reed went to Nana & Papa's to see the cows! He was very excited and so were they. He spent the whole weekend there and slept all night there without waking up for the first time! Yea Reed!! He talks non-stop about "Nan and Papa". Nana said he was Papa's boy all weekend and she was going to have to work on that! She is constantly amazed about how much he remembers about her house as he only gets to go there about once a month or so. Apparently though, he is a boy that likes for everything to have a place (except his toys at home!) He doesn't like Papa to were his farm boots in the house, he makes him leave them in the garage and hang his hat up on the hook every time. He also makes sure Nana has the rubberbands on the cabinet doors so that he can't get in them! If she leaves one undone...he tells her. She loves it!

Economic Stimulus

The Thompson girls did there part this weekend to stimulate the economy. Audrey, Mom and I spent the weekend together in Wichita shopping. We got a lot done and had a lot of fun! We went on a staycation...here in Wichita. We stayed in Old Town and shopped til we all dropped...not just Audrey! It was great to spend some time togehter and missed the snow thank goodness...because that would have dampened the Christmas spirit we had going on! Although we all missed the men in our lives young and old, there is something good for the soul hangin' with the powerful women you love the most. Especially when they are your mom and sister!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Growing Vocabulary!

Having a two year old is fascinating. Daily I am surprised by how much he learns and how much he is changing. He is starting to talk more and more and sometimes talkes in 3 and 4 word phrases. He loves animals! He saw a neighborhood cat in the yard last week and about chased it down the block before I could catch him...(Reed is getting faster and Mom is getting slower) He was not satisified about the whereabouts of the cat until I told him that the cat had gone to his house to eat his lunch. (It was lunch time and I was trying to get Reed to come in from playing to eat lunch at the time) Now everytime we go outside or we sit down to eat, Reed asks "dat? byebye, ouse? unch?" so, if he asks...Yes the Cat went ByeBye to his House to eat Lunch!

Trick or Treating!

We had a great time trick or treating this year! We were invited to join our good friends the Rockley's in their neighborhood of College Hill. Some of you may have seen on TV the neighborhood in this part of Wichita goes all out! They block off the street and decorate their houses with themes! It was so fun. We loaded the little ones in the wagon and off we went. Reed just took it all in! About the the fourth house, he was standing on the steps in the middle of the fake fog and smoke and big spiders where going up and down the side of the yard, he looked up at me and said "WOW!" then just looked down and off we went! I don't think he said another word the whole night. He figured out pretty quickly that you just have to look cute and hold up your bucket and nice ladies will put candy in it...and if you are cute enough and keep holding it there before your mommy makes you move it they will give you more! Can't wait for Christmas! What fun it is to be two!