Monday, November 16, 2009

Man of a Few More Words...

Reed's vocabulary and personality are ever developing!! He has expanded his need to have certain items on his clothing to his diapers. He will only wear the ones with Mack from Cars on them (which is every other pull-up in the pack) I'm having to lobby to get any other car character on him without a major meltdown!

I have also decided to pursue the new look of the Sooners mascot...Boomer the Horse...Wagons aren't fun, but horses are! I will turn him into a Sooner yet, just you wait!

As for his vocabulary...I wanted to write down some of the phrases that he is constantly telling us about. He is now talking in more syllables and a few word phrases. He is obsessed with balloons still and is highly concerned about the red balloon popping in the book Goodnight Moon. And finally...I get to be "Mommy"! He has always called me "Mom" and I didn't think I'd ever get to be "Mommy" but after he came home from Nana's I've been Mommy ever since.

Here are some of his phrases:
"Boon popped!"
"Boon high up sky"
"Reed jump high!"
"Prune's bone" (Truman's bone...)
"No, no Jack..."
"Dat, byebye to house"
"Dat, nighnigh house"
"Dalt bite Reed"

Stay tuned for more phrases!!

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