Saturday, November 7, 2009

Growing Vocabulary!

Having a two year old is fascinating. Daily I am surprised by how much he learns and how much he is changing. He is starting to talk more and more and sometimes talkes in 3 and 4 word phrases. He loves animals! He saw a neighborhood cat in the yard last week and about chased it down the block before I could catch him...(Reed is getting faster and Mom is getting slower) He was not satisified about the whereabouts of the cat until I told him that the cat had gone to his house to eat his lunch. (It was lunch time and I was trying to get Reed to come in from playing to eat lunch at the time) Now everytime we go outside or we sit down to eat, Reed asks "dat? byebye, ouse? unch?" so, if he asks...Yes the Cat went ByeBye to his House to eat Lunch!

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