Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sleep Trials...and Tribulations....

I am sure many of you know all my stress with Reed and sleep his whole little life. This kid is a bad sleeper, and although I don't mind him sleeping with us that much, he was starting to just be an absolute BEAR to get to bed and to stay there no matter where he was. So after much discussion and some research Todd and I decided that we had to get him in his own bed and he had to stay. Reed doesn't know how to go to sleep by himself. He needs a lot of crutches, or has used a lot of crutches and now that he is older is really working the system, and this mommy is tired!

We are two nights into our new sleeping method, (which is really just common sense and a little tough love)and so far so good. Tonight was better than last night and I have high hopes that in two or three days we will be good to go.

Last night, he stayed in his crib if I was sitting in there. I tried not to touch him too much as me holding him is his biggest crutch. He was pretty steamed, but then he got so tired and pathetic that he stuck his little (well, not so little, we are talking about Reed)foot out of the slates in the crib for me to rub his foot. I just rubbed his big toe with my thumb and that was all he needed. Tonight there was minor foot rubbing but mostly sitting a little farther away and much less crying. But, boy does that kid try to stay awake! He might miss something you know!

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