Thursday, September 3, 2009

Reed and his new words!

As you can imagine, Reed's world is new and exciting everyday. He is almost two and quite the independent little man! He would like to wear a "ball" shirt EVERYDAY just like Daddy. He points to Daddy's shirt that has a ball on it somewhere (usually) and says "dad, ball" then points to his shirt and says "me, ball" and looks at me like I should have been smart enough to figure that out on my own!

Tonight we were obsessed with "poo chorts" aka pool shorts or swimming trunks. He wanted to where them to daycare this AM and then tonight he wanted to get in the pool even though it was only 70 degrees outside. Couldn't get him in when it was 98, but now that it is cool we are all about he "poo chorts"!

1 comment:

TLB said...

Kaylynn wants to wear her
"why-doh-keen" (her way of saying Lightening McQueen) PJs most days - I've given up. I let her wear them while I workout and then get her dressed later in the day. ;) This whole having-an-opinion-about-everything makes it just that more interesting I guess.