Monday, November 3, 2008

Welcome to the Hackleman House!

Well, I gave in and did it! I created a blog. I think I am about the only one I know that doesn't have one of these things! But....with all that is going on with my family right now, I thought maybe it was about time to catch up with the world and catch up with everyone we know!

So here, goes! I am the wife, mom, physical therapist, picture taker, organizer of this crew! Our crew consists of my wonderful husband Todd, our adorable son Reed, and our non-human children Truman and Jack.

Reed is 13 months old and as BUSY as he can be. He doesn't walk. He runs. He doesn't reach. He climbs! If he can open it, he does. If he can take it out, he does. If he can stick his hands in it, he does! And all with a great big grin on his face...unless he is studying something then it is what I call the "Todd face". Which I love just as much.

Jack is our border collie mix dog. She is about 10 years old and the queen of the house. Reed loves her, but she doesn't always love Reed. She is getting old and crotchety in her later years. She still loves to play raquetball and Reed tries to throw to her, but he can only get it about 2 feet! Truman keeps her hopping though!

Truman is our 7 month old chocolate lab! He and Reed are about at the same stage of life. What Reed doesn't destroy Truman does and what Truman doesn't destroy Reed does. Needless to say there is never a day with out chaos and excitement at our house! You just have to smile and laugh!

1 comment:

Dana said...

Hey Christy,

I have been reading your blog and thanks for the updates on your dad. Just know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Give my love to your dad, mom and the rest of the clan.
