Wednesday, May 13, 2009

First Trip to the ER!

I knew we would eventually make it to the ER, but I figured it would be because Reed jumped off of something or sliced something or someone open, not because of allergies! Apparently Reed is extremely allergic to either peanut butter or grape jelly. He had a PB&J for supper, which he has had before without any excitement, and about 2 minutes after he licked all the PB & J off the bread he started crying and scratching his neck. He was frantic!! I thought something was biting him, so I ripped off his shirt to see hives EVERYWHERE!!! I grabbed him and the phone and called our family PA at home (also a close friend) he advised me to go to the ER, so off we went. Todd wasn't home from work yet, but he came up after us. Reed screamed the whole way and scratched!!! They were great about getting us in and back, however a few of the nurses were kind of rude, but mostly they were all really nice considering I had a RED, SPLOTCHY, SCREAMING, toddler.

Luckily he never had any breathing issues, they quickly (as quickly as you can with a toddler) got an IV line and then got him some medication. We had to stay for 2 more hours for observation, which Reed slept through most of it. He woke up for the last 20 minutes we were there and tried his darnedest to make a get away. He tried walking out himself, he tried getting Mommy to carry him, Daddy to carry him, but no luck! When the nurse shut the door ...he went ballistic. Todd thinks he is a smart kid to not like the hospital. We are finally home this evening and Reed is resting. He has no more rash or hives but we are to watch him for the next several hours and into tomorrow. It was serious enough that we brought home a script for an epi-pen for kids and a strong recommendation to see an allergist! Fun, fun, fun. I now get to start the fight for a referral...wonderful HMO's! It will be a fight well worth it to keep Reed safe and out of the ER! It was a scary thing! I am grateful that all is well and that we are resting easier tonight. I pray that we will have a blessed night and all get some rest!


TLB said...

How scary! But I'm glad it turned out all right.

LexyMae said...

AH REED! I hope that you guys had an un-eventful day today. :)

Randa said...

OH MY!! How scary! sorry that all happened and hopefully all is better now! AND your enjoying your new employment!