Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sweet Boy!

Well we are in night number 2 of the big boy bed...and it is a challenge needless to is just so darn easy to get up and play! I am picking my battles and remaining calm and cool, but it was just before 10pm when he finally fell asleep!

In the battle of laying down, we were reading books and Reed was flopping around like a fish trying to get settled, or remain unsettled so he wouldn't fall asleep, anyway we bonked heads really hard! He got me right between the eyes on the bridge of the nose and it immediately made my eyes water! He got so upset, he said..."oh, oh, Mommy! Reed broke Mom's head!! Mommy cry, no! Reed fix head, Mom!" Then he grabbed my hair (like he was going to scalp me!) and kissed my forehead about 10 times! That brought tears to my eyes! What a sweet, sweet boy I have!

Now if he'll just sleep all night in that big boy bed!

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