Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sick and Tired? Tired and Sick? Just Sick? Or Just Tired?

These are the questions that I have asked myself today. Poor Reed is sick AGAIN!! We can not seem to get well around this house. Todd and I have been trading off staying home a day here and a day there for what seems like has been FOREVER!!! We have decided that WE NEED SPRING! The Hackleman's are outside people, and we are tired of being sick. We are sick of feeling tired, we are ready for the sun to shine all the time, the weather to be warm enough everyday to not wear a jacket and the days to be long enough to play outside after work! We are sure that will cure EVERYTHING that is is ailing us this week.

The challenges with this scenario are: It is still February, but WSU Baseball does start this month!! We can not seem to get home from work before 6:30PM!!! (I know with the economy downfall...I should be grateful that we both have jobs that are not in jeopardy...and I am, very grateful, but I am also selfish and would like to spend time with my the daylight!!!) Last but not least, Reed can't seem to get healthy!!! We are staying home sick tomorrow after throwing up at daycare now 2 days in a row! Yeah, we are her favorite people right now! So Todd and I are playing tagteam parenting tomorrow. I have the morning shift and then pass the baton to Todd for the afternoon. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Oh I pray for the sun for you guys! Poor little handsome guy -- he is soo cute!! God Bless.
"Gwandma Wanda"