Thursday, October 14, 2010

Birthday Party!

We made it through Reed's 3rd birthday, fireworks and all. We had a great time and enjoyed our friends family and lots of Thomas! Here are a few pictures to see what we did! I made Reed's cake, it was a challenge and like the true pressure cooker I am I finished it 15 min. after the party started! Thanks SOOOOO much to my Mom for helping with Reed and helping Todd set up! I really want to attempt to make Reed's cake every year in whatever character he wants as I remember my mom doing that for us every year. It was one of my favorite things to think about what kind of cake I was like picking out your Halloween costume!!! So lets' hope future cakes will not be so complicated!

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Great cake and such a cute little guy! He looks soooo old!!!