Monday, August 30, 2010

My Little Thinker!

As many of you may have read, Reed and I have been having discussions about God a lot lately. He is the "don't take the Lord's name in vain police!" We have also been learning to say the blessing at the table which involves me saying it and Reed nodding his head in Todd fashion with a big giant grin on his face to confirm I am saying each phrase correctly! He often echos "yes, He is Mommy!" or "yes, great Mommy" after the God is good, God is great part! He may be the next Billy Graham! We have been praying each night before bed in which if he can remember your name, your dogs name, your cats name or anything about you then you will get blessed. I have yet to decide if this is sweet and endearing or a ploy to stay awake as long as possible. I believe that it is the later. This Sunday Reed was adamant that we meet God. He wanted to see him. In his words, "I want to see what Him looks like, Mommy." the best we could do was Jesus, which then brought up the question of "where is Him's mommy and daddy?" Since I told him this was God's Son. Which I was saved by church letting out (we were in the vestibule due to lack of being able to sit still and talking EXTREMELY loudly in church)which was the indication it was time for Sunday school, and there are Thomas the Train engines in the Sunday School room for the 2 year olds! They trumped the God question this week, but needless to say I will be looking for some biblical stories that will answer some questions and maybe give some kind of visual of God. In the meantime I pray for simpler questions to which I know the answers or at least can make up something that will not scar him for life!

1 comment:

Libby said...

Going to stop at the christian book store fri morn while running errands - I'll look for the kids bibles we use with the kids - good illustrations - good grief - he's sounding like Kalo used to!! can't wait to see you and good to see blog updates - xxoo