Saturday, August 28, 2010


The month of August has flown by. Coming back from camp I have worked on trying to balance work out by setting some limits and learning to say no, which I am not very good at, but I am trying. The mantra is, family first! Delegate and no the limits! So this month we haven't had that much going on, but just enjoying our family. August is Todd's down time so we did a lot of swimmin' in our pool and Reed has turned into a real fish! He has enjoyed jumping off the ladder doing "Kansasballs" or cannonballs! He is really talking up a storm and starting to have conversations about all kinds of things. He can count and is working on his ABCs. He loves trains and dogs. He wants to play with Truman and Jack everyday! He really has gotten into watching movies and his favorites are "Happy Chipmunks" "Dogs on the Street" and "Dogs on the Mountain"...aka "Alvin and the Chipmunks...the Squeakuel", "Homeward Bound II: Journey from San Fransico" and "Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey". He is really funny and very independent. He recently has limited me to two kisses a day because he told me that if he get's three then his lips will get sore! Who knew?!?

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