Sunday, April 19, 2009

Changes Are In The Wind!

Last week was very tumultous for me and my family. After many weeks, maybe even months of discussion and deliberation with not only Todd, my nearest and dearest friends but also the good Lord above I came to a very tough decision. On Wednesday I had a discussion with my friend and employer, Lynn regarding my departure from NovaCare. My last day there will be May 14th. That's right I did it! I gave my 30 day notice.

Many of you know that I have been there for nearly 9 years, it has been my first and only physical therapy job. My heart and soul has been with my job and clinic in Derby, but after this last year with the loss of my dad and never really finding a good balance between being a wife, mother, PT, and clinic manager Todd and I decided something had to give. I begin praying about it daily and talking it to death to anyone who would listen. It has been during this process that I really have missed my dad. He was great with this kind of advice. I tried very hard to remember every conversation that I had ever had with him about something of this magnitude. I just kept hearing him say to trust my gut, and to trust God to lead me in the right direction. The night before my final meeting with Total Home Care, I prayed for a passage to give me some insight into what path may life was to take. I was lead to the last chapter of Proverbs and the Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character. In my bible there was a devotion about a woman feeling conflicted about loving her career and conflicted when life brought changes to her work and her family. It was very uplifting and put things into perspective for me. It is in God's hands to help me find the balance that I seek. It made realize that I need to be thankful for the talents that he has given me to wear all the hats that I do. It also calmed my guilt that my focus can shift from career to family and that I am not a lesser woman for it. I have always wanted to have it ALL! Career, husband, children, church, activities, etc. I realized that I do, and I always have. I still will, it just won't be how I pictured or planned it. My dad told me once that it isn't mine to plan...and as usual he was right.

I am very excited to start my new endeavor as a Home Health PT. It will allow me to practice PT, be with my family and still provide for them emotionally and financially. I am so excited for our life to slow down and for us to have an improved focus!

Thanks to all who have listened and prayed for me and for our family. I appreciate it greatly as we embark on these new and changing times.


Randa said...

I am SO excited for you and PROUD of your decision! I know your doing the right thing and it will only get better from here!!! Can't wait to scrapbook, hit the zoo and the pool this summer!!


Rhonda said...

Ahhh Christy, Bless you for seeking change and listening to God. It is sure hard to do. Things will be really good for you, I just know. And you have the sweetest family. You have been such a blessing to both my girls! I am excited for you, Todd, and Reed!

LexyMae said...

CHRISTY! I am so proud of you! I just know this decision is what was planned for you. Your dad is up there looking out for you :) Hope to see you soon!! Love you - and give Reed a big hug for me!!

TLB said...

Yay!!! CONGRATULATIONS! That's such wonderful news! I know it was a tough decision, and I know how tough those are without having your dad there to help. Hmmm . . . does this mean you'll have more time to travel?! ;)