Thursday, December 16, 2010
I DO NOT have BUGS in my tummy!!
We have the throw-ups at our house so stay away!! Or as Reed heard me telling someone on the phone...he has a stomach bug! This did not sit well with him the idea of BUGS in his stomach!!! He informed me quite adamantly that he did not have bugs in his tummy! He choked (his version of throw-up)them all up... they were gone! Then he kept going into the bathroom this afternoon and I kept asking if his tummy was he was looking for bugs!! Hopefully we will have more restful night and no one else will be BUGGY!!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
We have the tree decorated...Will it stay that way???
Well our decorating continued today as we decorated the tree this morning. My guys are plagued with this nasty respiratory virus(my diagnosis). So amidst the snot and coughing we decorated the tree since I deemed us too germy for church today. Reed doesn't quite have the coughing in the elbow down yet...he coughs all over everything and then tells me he is supposed to cough into his elbow! Close I guess but not so sanitary! He was also not so willing to accept the reasoning that God doesn't want us to spread germs so it is okay to stay home. (We did do some extra blessings during our night time prayers this evening, so I hope you are feeling the extra love!) I was able to distract the disappointment of missing Sunday School with decorating the tree which Reed is quite the expert! So much so that he is still tweaking it everytime he goes by it! We still don't have topper...Reed can't decide between an Angel or a Star...he has good reasons for both and due to the cold stuff we didn't do any shopping this weekend (other than the tree!) So, the dilema continues...Angel or Star...Angel or Star...? I'll let everyone know as soon as we make a decision so that you all can rest!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!!
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around the Hackleman House. For those that don't know my husband, Todd LOVES, LOVES, LOVES Christmas!!! We have been hardcore decorating since Friday after Thanksgiving. Right after our Black Friday shopping!! We had a lot of fun...we didn't do any crazy hours, just 7:00 AM and stayed in Derby. It was a blast!
So today we went and got our tree!! Since Todd and I have been married we have had a GIGANTIC artificial tree that we bought the first year we were married. We must have been blinded by the love of newlyweds because this tree was HUGE!!! It was like the artificial Griswold tree! It took up the whole living room! So as the love for the tree faded...and reality set in..we opted for a real tree this year. I am smelling its wonderful fragrance right now and Reed had so much fun going to pick it out! The picking of the tree was interesting to say the least. Picking a tree is much like buying tennis shoes with Todd...very, very since Christmas is just 21 days away we FINALLY picked one. The question at the house tonight is who actually picked it out?!? I'm pretty sure I spotted this one! ;)

So today we went and got our tree!! Since Todd and I have been married we have had a GIGANTIC artificial tree that we bought the first year we were married. We must have been blinded by the love of newlyweds because this tree was HUGE!!! It was like the artificial Griswold tree! It took up the whole living room! So as the love for the tree faded...and reality set in..we opted for a real tree this year. I am smelling its wonderful fragrance right now and Reed had so much fun going to pick it out! The picking of the tree was interesting to say the least. Picking a tree is much like buying tennis shoes with Todd...very, very since Christmas is just 21 days away we FINALLY picked one. The question at the house tonight is who actually picked it out?!? I'm pretty sure I spotted this one! ;)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Busy Month
Wow, where did November go! I guess it has been a busy month although I'm not really sure what we did. We had some birthday parties and lots of work and as much outdoor park time that we could get. Reed is growing like a weed. We have moved into 4T pants because of his long legs and we got new shoes that I hope will last until spring but the way that kid's feet grow...who knows. He is a busy little boy that loves animals and has an evergrowing Cwrismas Wist! He has lots of "needs v. wants" and lots of wheels turning in his head which results in "mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom..." "what Reed?" "um, um, um, Mom, mom..I don't know" - can we say broken record!!! He has very little desire to be potty trained despite all mine and the sitter's efforts. I believe that he is taking the Hackleman stance on this and he will do what he wants in his own time. (doesn't mean I'm quitting on him...The Thompson stubborness will not let his mother rest!)
Speaking of Thompsons...two years ago today we lost a great one. I miss my dear ole dad everyday, as I watch my little man grow and change I see so much in him that my pop would have loved. I know he isn't missing a minute of it, but I wish I could hear his clever antedotes and his laughter over things like Reed telling me "Mom, you talking toooo much!" or watching him golf in the backyard or learning to hit a pitched ball. With many memories on my mind this evening...I'll say good night to you all and to my dad...I love you and miss you everyday!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Harmony in the Hackleman House
Harmony, I guess...I will say that many of you are concerned that after the football weekend of last that I may no longer be speaking to my husband...however I am and we even rode with some civility on the way home. I will say that it was a good thing the game got over at a late hour, because as my dear friend Terri B. (former college roommate) will tell you, I am likely to just go to bed, depressed and irritated after a loss! I have grown a little and lessened my intensity some since my college years but I did go to bed depressed and irritated at my beloved Sooners last Saturday night. Missouri played very well, and OU did not...however, we really did have a good time. Reed had a great time at his Nana and Papa's house and as a result of our trip to Columbia he came home with more Tiger gear that he loves. Go ahead and get it out of his system now, I say!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Getting Ready for GameDay
Todd and I have embarked on one of the most challenging adventures in our marriage! College GAMEDAY in Columbia, MO for the OU/Missouri game! It is a big one and everyone who knows us knows how competitive we are! Todd and I very rarely disagree or even fight, but there is no telling what happens in an OU/Mizzou game! Pray we both come home and that we are speaking when it is over! Heres to an AWESOME day tomorrow! BOOMER SOONER!!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Fall Family Foto!
Carving the Pumpkin
Monday night "we" (aka Mom) carved our Jack-o-lantern into a happy face. This is the first one that we have carved since we have had Reed due to oh, I don't know...knives and Reed are not a good combination? Anyway...I thought he would like cleaning out the pumpkin guts...I hate this part, plus I think that pumpkin stinks to high heaven and get bad headaches from the smell of them so I was ready to let Reed have at it, mess and all! I learned quickly that Reed agrees with his mother and quickly abandoned me to go play football with his dad in the yard. Hear is a look at our efforts! Despite my attempt at a happy face with rectangle eyes, moon nose and a smiley face with teeth all the request of my 3 year old...I was told he was still too scary!!! What do you do? It might help if the pumpkin wasn't so creepy looking!!

Pumpkin Patch 2010
Sunday afternoon we made it to the Applejack Pumpkin Patch for the third straight year! We had a great time playing in the hay, going down the giant slide, jumping on the giant pillow, and picking out a pumpkin...did I mention teeter-tottering with Dad! Reed was very successful in picking out the UGLIEST pumpkin in the whole place. It is horrid looking with lots of wrinkles and warts!!! I asked him if he wanted me to make a scary face on it and he said no, just a happy one!! Good think 'cuz the pumpkin is pretty scary on its own!

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Birthday Party!
We made it through Reed's 3rd birthday, fireworks and all. We had a great time and enjoyed our friends family and lots of Thomas! Here are a few pictures to see what we did! I made Reed's cake, it was a challenge and like the true pressure cooker I am I finished it 15 min. after the party started! Thanks SOOOOO much to my Mom for helping with Reed and helping Todd set up! I really want to attempt to make Reed's cake every year in whatever character he wants as I remember my mom doing that for us every year. It was one of my favorite things to think about what kind of cake I was like picking out your Halloween costume!!! So lets' hope future cakes will not be so complicated!
The Hairbrella!
A few weeks ago we had a rainy day in which Reed insisted on carrying the "Hairbrella" into the house. I said to him, well it is really called an "UMBRELLA" to which he replied "nope, its a hairbrella, cuz it keeps your hair dry!" I believe I stand corrected!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Almost Three!
Reed is almost three! Friday, September 24th will be the big day! I can't believe my baby is such a big boy! He is so smart and funny and such a thinker! He is a constant challenge and I wouldn't want it any other way. We have so much fun every day and I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful boy. He has grown and changed so much this year, he is really turning into a talker a lot like his Mama and has quite and imagination. He dreams up schemes of things he's going to try and thankfully is still running them by me to see if it is a good idea or to see how I'll react. For example, last week he was going to jump from the deck to the garage roof to the pool, to the neighbors fence, to the shed, to the pool ladder and then in the pool. "I fink that would be fun idea, Mama?" I convinced him to just jump in the pool, but I KNOW I can wait until he doesn't tell me and just attempts these fun ideas! YIKES!!! I'm proud of his bravery but scared to death at the same time, and wish for a little fear for him every now and then! He also has the best smile I've ever seen! It is contagious and just lights up his whole face! It is so ORNERY! He is also very loving, he still likes to snuggle and likes to sit with his Mama on the couch in the mornings until we are both awake to talk to each other. He usually lets me know when it is time by telling me "It's good morning now, Mama!" The one thing we agree on is that is NOT good morning when we both wake up...another trait from his Mama...we need a good 10-15 minutes to wrap our brains around being awake! So happy birthday to my beautiful boy! You are my best boy! I love you so much!
A wet night!
Todd and I made it through Monday Night Football last week and the monsoon at Arrowhead Stadium! We were troopers and stayed for the whole game! We looked like we'd showered in our clothes and dumped water from our shoes, but it was fun! We had the perfect day...An afternoon at the "K" Kaufmann Stadium and a Royals game. The re-done stadium is beautiful and has a lot to offer, we can't wait to take Reed, there is a lot to do for kids that can't sit through a game. There is a great hall of fame that made me miss my dad, he would have loved it! It has a lot of just neat baseball history...the evolution of the bats, balls, and gloves plus all the Royals greats and some rotating items on loan from Cooperstown. I could just hear the stories flowing!
Monday, August 30, 2010
My Little Thinker!
As many of you may have read, Reed and I have been having discussions about God a lot lately. He is the "don't take the Lord's name in vain police!" We have also been learning to say the blessing at the table which involves me saying it and Reed nodding his head in Todd fashion with a big giant grin on his face to confirm I am saying each phrase correctly! He often echos "yes, He is Mommy!" or "yes, great Mommy" after the God is good, God is great part! He may be the next Billy Graham! We have been praying each night before bed in which if he can remember your name, your dogs name, your cats name or anything about you then you will get blessed. I have yet to decide if this is sweet and endearing or a ploy to stay awake as long as possible. I believe that it is the later. This Sunday Reed was adamant that we meet God. He wanted to see him. In his words, "I want to see what Him looks like, Mommy." the best we could do was Jesus, which then brought up the question of "where is Him's mommy and daddy?" Since I told him this was God's Son. Which I was saved by church letting out (we were in the vestibule due to lack of being able to sit still and talking EXTREMELY loudly in church)which was the indication it was time for Sunday school, and there are Thomas the Train engines in the Sunday School room for the 2 year olds! They trumped the God question this week, but needless to say I will be looking for some biblical stories that will answer some questions and maybe give some kind of visual of God. In the meantime I pray for simpler questions to which I know the answers or at least can make up something that will not scar him for life!
It's all most September!
September is upon us and that means the Hackleman's are getting busy!! Football is coming!!!! YEAHH can't wait...the first OU game starts this weekend and I am ready this year. I had a little mental hiatus last year as it was the first season without my dad and that was very hard for me. Silly in some ways, but that was our thing, and it really hit me that he was gone last year when football started and I just had no joy in going. I made myself go to one game and it was very healing. I worked through a lot of guilt and grief that goes with losing someone you love not to mention the grief the Sooners brought me with losing Sam Bradford so early on... the last year has been a work in progress for me mentally but I am good and can gladly say I'm ready for some BOOMER SOONER, baby!
With September brings my favorite weekend of the year, Cropaganza. I get to stay up all night and scrapbook with my best girlfriends. We do this for a whole weekend with no husbands or children and it is the best! This year we have more time and I have big plans. I hope to get my Grandma Thompson's pictures from her youth in a Heritage album and then spend the remainder of the time on Reed. To make the week even better Todd and I got tickets to Monday Night Football in KC!!! So my perfect 5 days - 3 scrapbooking with the girls, 2 with my husband in KC with MNF at night and a Royals game in the afternoon and then off to pick up Reed at Camp Nana Hackleman's! What more could a girl want?
With September brings my favorite weekend of the year, Cropaganza. I get to stay up all night and scrapbook with my best girlfriends. We do this for a whole weekend with no husbands or children and it is the best! This year we have more time and I have big plans. I hope to get my Grandma Thompson's pictures from her youth in a Heritage album and then spend the remainder of the time on Reed. To make the week even better Todd and I got tickets to Monday Night Football in KC!!! So my perfect 5 days - 3 scrapbooking with the girls, 2 with my husband in KC with MNF at night and a Royals game in the afternoon and then off to pick up Reed at Camp Nana Hackleman's! What more could a girl want?
Saturday, August 28, 2010
The month of August has flown by. Coming back from camp I have worked on trying to balance work out by setting some limits and learning to say no, which I am not very good at, but I am trying. The mantra is, family first! Delegate and no the limits! So this month we haven't had that much going on, but just enjoying our family. August is Todd's down time so we did a lot of swimmin' in our pool and Reed has turned into a real fish! He has enjoyed jumping off the ladder doing "Kansasballs" or cannonballs! He is really talking up a storm and starting to have conversations about all kinds of things. He can count and is working on his ABCs. He loves trains and dogs. He wants to play with Truman and Jack everyday! He really has gotten into watching movies and his favorites are "Happy Chipmunks" "Dogs on the Street" and "Dogs on the Mountain"...aka "Alvin and the Chipmunks...the Squeakuel", "Homeward Bound II: Journey from San Fransico" and "Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey". He is really funny and very independent. He recently has limited me to two kisses a day because he told me that if he get's three then his lips will get sore! Who knew?!?
Next in the summer recap was our month of July: Todd was busy with summer sports and it seemed that Reed and I just moved from one event to the other. We enjoyed the 4th of July with our friends and co-workers the Hornbacks. Kori is also Reed's sitter and they have little boy that is Reed's age that is his best buddy! Reed LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the fireworks! A boy after my own heart!
The rest of the month was spent preparing for KAY camp. Reed went to Nana's for the week and was spoiled rotten as usual. KAY camp was the last full week of July and it was a great week with some really awesome kids. The theme was "There's No Place Like Kansas!" and I am proud so say the Hilltop Mary's were the esteemed winners of the Ear of the Year!! We had a fine presentation of the Wizard of Oz complete with the flying monkeys!!
The rest of the month was spent preparing for KAY camp. Reed went to Nana's for the week and was spoiled rotten as usual. KAY camp was the last full week of July and it was a great week with some really awesome kids. The theme was "There's No Place Like Kansas!" and I am proud so say the Hilltop Mary's were the esteemed winners of the Ear of the Year!! We had a fine presentation of the Wizard of Oz complete with the flying monkeys!!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
The first weekend in June we spent at Derby Days and playing in the water in our backyard. We didn't have the pool up yet, but we had a slip-n-slide and waterguns! What more do you need. Mom and Audrey's boys came up and went with us as well as some of our good friends. It was a hot one but we managed to ride some rides and get wet after to cool off. All in all a really fun day!
Our next big event in June was our baseball player, Rickey Noland's wedding. Rickey was our first boy and he lived with us for two summers. For those of you who were around Rickey became like our own and we just love him to pieces. We were very excited to hear that he would be getting married this summer, unfortunately it was the same weekend as Todd's biggest softball tournament EVER!! So I talked Mom into road tripping with me and Reed to Natchez, MS for the wedding. We took a side trip on the way and visited my college roommate and her family in TX and on the way back. She has a daughter just a little older than Reed and we were grateful for toddler playtime to break up the trip. He did great riding though, and the wedding was, but beautiful. I can honestly say I've never sweated so much in my life!!! Can't believe the boy got dehydrated in KANSAS! A big thank you to my Mom though, she kept me sane and kept Reed out of trouble...mostly...he did stick his finger in the groom's cake! He has been wanting to go back to Ippissippi for pawrty cake since we got home! In case you didn't know...every party must have cake! This is a Hackleman trait...the love of cake!
The first weekend in June we spent at Derby Days and playing in the water in our backyard. We didn't have the pool up yet, but we had a slip-n-slide and waterguns! What more do you need. Mom and Audrey's boys came up and went with us as well as some of our good friends. It was a hot one but we managed to ride some rides and get wet after to cool off. All in all a really fun day!
Our next big event in June was our baseball player, Rickey Noland's wedding. Rickey was our first boy and he lived with us for two summers. For those of you who were around Rickey became like our own and we just love him to pieces. We were very excited to hear that he would be getting married this summer, unfortunately it was the same weekend as Todd's biggest softball tournament EVER!! So I talked Mom into road tripping with me and Reed to Natchez, MS for the wedding. We took a side trip on the way and visited my college roommate and her family in TX and on the way back. She has a daughter just a little older than Reed and we were grateful for toddler playtime to break up the trip. He did great riding though, and the wedding was, but beautiful. I can honestly say I've never sweated so much in my life!!! Can't believe the boy got dehydrated in KANSAS! A big thank you to my Mom though, she kept me sane and kept Reed out of trouble...mostly...he did stick his finger in the groom's cake! He has been wanting to go back to Ippissippi for pawrty cake since we got home! In case you didn't know...every party must have cake! This is a Hackleman trait...the love of cake!
Summer recap!
My where has the summer gone? Apparently we have been way to busy to keep up with the blogging! So here is my GIANT effort to catch up on the summer and all the Reedisms we have experienced.
We have been working and playing so hard that we can't believe the summer is over! I guess the weather doesn't know that as it is still 100+ today and sounds like it will stay hot for a while yet, but school is starting for those around us, and I guess Reed gets to start 2yr old Sunday School tomorrow so that is monumentous...especially since he started saying..."OH, GOD!" this week when something bad happens to him. I honestly am not sure where he heard this phrase as it is one that is not used in our house. Some other choice words on occasion but not this one. So we had a long talk that you are not supposed to say GOD like that and we can say God when we are praying, or in church or talking about Jesus's Daddy. So today, when he wanted to say that he told me he'd wait until church tomorrow....Oh, good I can hardly wait for our first day of Sunday school!
We have been working and playing so hard that we can't believe the summer is over! I guess the weather doesn't know that as it is still 100+ today and sounds like it will stay hot for a while yet, but school is starting for those around us, and I guess Reed gets to start 2yr old Sunday School tomorrow so that is monumentous...especially since he started saying..."OH, GOD!" this week when something bad happens to him. I honestly am not sure where he heard this phrase as it is one that is not used in our house. Some other choice words on occasion but not this one. So we had a long talk that you are not supposed to say GOD like that and we can say God when we are praying, or in church or talking about Jesus's Daddy. So today, when he wanted to say that he told me he'd wait until church tomorrow....Oh, good I can hardly wait for our first day of Sunday school!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
This one is for Monty!
As most of you know we lost my Dad about a year and a half ago, and he is greatly missed everyday, but as anyone who has lost a loved one will tell you, there are little things in your day that will strike you with recogition of that person or flood you with a heart stopping memory. I have those moments frequently with Reed, probably because I know how much my dad loved his grandsons and how much he wanted Reed to give me back everything I gave to him times 10!
My most recent moment was over Memorial Day weekend when Reed and I were making one of our Grandma trips. As Reed is so proud of, we were going to see TWO Grandma Thompsons! Mine and his! So we are driving along and he is watching his movie and one of my friends calls so I answer and talk with her for a short time (Really, maybe 10 min!) and Reed says from the backseat. "Mommy, STOP talking! Talking TOO MUCH!!!" I just had to laugh because I could just see my dad's smirking grin!
My most recent moment was over Memorial Day weekend when Reed and I were making one of our Grandma trips. As Reed is so proud of, we were going to see TWO Grandma Thompsons! Mine and his! So we are driving along and he is watching his movie and one of my friends calls so I answer and talk with her for a short time (Really, maybe 10 min!) and Reed says from the backseat. "Mommy, STOP talking! Talking TOO MUCH!!!" I just had to laugh because I could just see my dad's smirking grin!
One, two, three, almost five, FIVE!!!
Reed has been working on counting and does pretty well to 10+ with a little assistance now and then. He is still unsure of himself, so he prefers for someone else to count with him if he knows anyone is listening, but several times, I have heard him counting to himself in the last few weeks and it goes something like this..."One, two, free, almost five, FIVE!!!, six, seben, ade, almost ten, TEN!!! I guess four and nine are tough to remember... but he knows something goes there. Apparently I say we are "almost" to something a lot. Almost home, almost there, almost bedtime, almost bathtime, almost finished... That is his new favorite word and FIVE (you have to yell it with gusto!) is his favorite number. Our Reed is 2 1/2 going on FIVEE!!!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Reed and Prune
I'd love to get a picture of Reed and his dog, Prune aka Truman. Reed can now say Truman, but still calls him Prune and has a very love/hate relationship with our adorable chocolate lab. It amazes me how much they are alike! The both act like they don't hear you when you are calling them, when you know good and well that they do. They both play too rough sometimes, but then feel very badly about it if anyone is hurt by it. They both are just as ornery as can be, and if Prune could talk he'd probably blame as much stuff on Reed as Reed blames on him.
They both will pick tug-a-war battles that Prune usually wins, but they both will come back for more until Reed quites out of frustration or due to tears from rough housing around. Friday night Reed was furious with Prune because they were playing tug-a-war with Reed's blanket (which is sacred!) and in true lab fashion Truman slobbered all over it! Upon realization that his blanket was wet, Reed brought it to me to get the "Prune juice" off! What a crack-up!
They both will pick tug-a-war battles that Prune usually wins, but they both will come back for more until Reed quites out of frustration or due to tears from rough housing around. Friday night Reed was furious with Prune because they were playing tug-a-war with Reed's blanket (which is sacred!) and in true lab fashion Truman slobbered all over it! Upon realization that his blanket was wet, Reed brought it to me to get the "Prune juice" off! What a crack-up!
Weekend Update for May 1st - 2nd
What beautiful weather we had this weekend! Sure beats the wind we had during the week. We could not get enough of outside! We were happy to have everyone home and not near as busy. So we didn't do much of anything but play outside! Dad grilled 'boorgers' and 'takes' on Saturday and Sunday. We ate nearly every meal outside, Reed wanted to eat breakfast out there this morning, but we opted for lunch and dinner instead. He woke up yesterday morning ready to "shower" plants (that's what he calls his watering can, the shower can, and the sprinklers are grass showers!
We also got to chase Truman, our chocolate lab around the neighborhood when he escaped this afternoon. He bulldozed through the garage/backyard door that I didn't latch completely and out the open garage door! As he ran into the street, Reed said, "Ooooohhhhh Prune in streeet, Prune in trouououble!" Guess who else has been in trouououble for that? Reed thought the chase was great! He giggled the whole way down the street and was a great Prune(Truman) spotter!
We also got to chase Truman, our chocolate lab around the neighborhood when he escaped this afternoon. He bulldozed through the garage/backyard door that I didn't latch completely and out the open garage door! As he ran into the street, Reed said, "Ooooohhhhh Prune in streeet, Prune in trouououble!" Guess who else has been in trouououble for that? Reed thought the chase was great! He giggled the whole way down the street and was a great Prune(Truman) spotter!
Weekend Update April 23-25
Todd has had a busy spring with lots of softball tournaments to run and organize so that leaves Reed and I to fend for ourselves, so on this tournament weekend we went to visit our Grandmas! Reed and I went to my mom's house Saturday afternoon and Reed stayed with her while I went down to visit my Grandma Thompson in Alva. For those that don't know I have taken on a challenge of organizing her photos and doing a heritage album(s) for her and for all of us. With the passing of my father, I've really reflected on what all Reed will miss by him not getting to hear his stories that I thought I better get all the family history that I I really love old pictures and heritage stuff! Grandma and I really had fun, at least I did!
Reed had fun with his Grandma too, we helped her plant her garden. Reed had his "buckick and spoon" to shovel the dirt into and go dump it somewhere that I'm sure grandma will find later! He helped to put the beans 'night-night' aka covering them with dirt and has been talking about it ever since.
He had so much fun, that the other day he asked if "my Ma come to my house to play in my room? pwwease, mom!" too bad Ma had school or I'm sure she would have been here!
Reed had fun with his Grandma too, we helped her plant her garden. Reed had his "buckick and spoon" to shovel the dirt into and go dump it somewhere that I'm sure grandma will find later! He helped to put the beans 'night-night' aka covering them with dirt and has been talking about it ever since.
He had so much fun, that the other day he asked if "my Ma come to my house to play in my room? pwwease, mom!" too bad Ma had school or I'm sure she would have been here!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Reed Update
Although I need to post Easter pictures and all our exciting times from last weekend, I have decided to do it out of order instead of living behind!! I started this blog as a way to document stories and daily memories about my family and friends but mostly as a way to keep memories for Reed. So today, is the first day in a while that Reed and I spent all day together just the two of us with no agenda other than to have fun..!
Reed is 2 1/2 years old and is a wonder to me. He LOVES everyday! He has such beauty and wonder in his eyes with each new discovery and it is so fun to watch and now hear him discover himself through language and experiences. Reed is still very busy and independent. Much like his mother in a familiar environment he is an act first, react/think later kid...he is playful and funny. He loves to tease and to make you smile. He has the best giggle in the world! He can also be observant, and sometimes in a new situation wants to watch how it is done before he tries it, but rarely is he intimidated by an activity or event. He LOVES animals and they LOVE him. This he gets from his father and his grandpa. We spent today at the zoo and Reed could sit and watch each animal forever...he loved feeding the goats and sheep. He is a hands on learner and wants to touch and feel EVERYTHING! I noticed today how sweet and kind he could be. If I offered him a snack or a drink, he wanted his friends to have them too and first. He noticed when others fell down or were crying and asked if they were okay? He has the memory of an elephant and has replayed the entire zoo trip to me multiple times today since coming home and what animals were sleeping, playing or biting! He is speaking better and more clearly everyday. He still calls Truman our dog, Prune...and worries that Prune will bite/eat Daddy's bushes in the backyard...this is a valid concern. He became concerned this week that Todd had "Jack hair" on his toes and in his nose. Jack is our border collie that is black and shedding profusely right now so there is Jack hair everywhere, apparently Todd has hairy feet and a hairy nose!! Reed has also found a strong connection with all of his grandparents. He likes to call Nana and Papa on the phone and teases Nana that he is Papa's boy! He likes to go to 'Ma's house but always wants his cousins to be there too. He is a sweet and special boy and I can't wait to see what magnificent thing he discovers tomorrow!
Reed is 2 1/2 years old and is a wonder to me. He LOVES everyday! He has such beauty and wonder in his eyes with each new discovery and it is so fun to watch and now hear him discover himself through language and experiences. Reed is still very busy and independent. Much like his mother in a familiar environment he is an act first, react/think later kid...he is playful and funny. He loves to tease and to make you smile. He has the best giggle in the world! He can also be observant, and sometimes in a new situation wants to watch how it is done before he tries it, but rarely is he intimidated by an activity or event. He LOVES animals and they LOVE him. This he gets from his father and his grandpa. We spent today at the zoo and Reed could sit and watch each animal forever...he loved feeding the goats and sheep. He is a hands on learner and wants to touch and feel EVERYTHING! I noticed today how sweet and kind he could be. If I offered him a snack or a drink, he wanted his friends to have them too and first. He noticed when others fell down or were crying and asked if they were okay? He has the memory of an elephant and has replayed the entire zoo trip to me multiple times today since coming home and what animals were sleeping, playing or biting! He is speaking better and more clearly everyday. He still calls Truman our dog, Prune...and worries that Prune will bite/eat Daddy's bushes in the backyard...this is a valid concern. He became concerned this week that Todd had "Jack hair" on his toes and in his nose. Jack is our border collie that is black and shedding profusely right now so there is Jack hair everywhere, apparently Todd has hairy feet and a hairy nose!! Reed has also found a strong connection with all of his grandparents. He likes to call Nana and Papa on the phone and teases Nana that he is Papa's boy! He likes to go to 'Ma's house but always wants his cousins to be there too. He is a sweet and special boy and I can't wait to see what magnificent thing he discovers tomorrow!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Spring Weather!!!
Oh we are so thankful for SPRING!!! We have been having fun in the sun this week!! If you don't know us very well, we are an outdoor family and winter about did us all in!! We have been playing baseball outside and running and drawing chalk people and running and going to the park and running!
We even had our first grill out of the season!!! I love it when it is grill weather because Todd cooks!!
Reed had a tragic week however with the loss of Brown Blanky. Reed got to spend the weekend at 'Ma's house because I was on call and Todd needed a yard day pre-spring/summer sports weekends. So Reed went to 'Ma's on Saturday and got to go to the carnival at her school and the 'Ma's park. BUT we did not get home with Brown Blanky!!! If you have a child with a lovey or security blanket or understand. I thought we were going to be driving back to Kiowa, but through the tears and after the tantrum of kicking the door out to the garage amist screams of "Maamaa, Reed -- Car --- Ma's --- Brown Blank --- NOWWW!!" Reed decided that he was big and after a convincing phone call that 'Ma did indeed have the blanket and it was safe. He decided that the Lightning McQueen blanket would work for a day or two. At his every chance he did tell me that the Lightning blanket was NOT brown blanky and was brown blanky still at 'Ma's!?!
Much to his delight, Brown Blanky came in the mail yesterday! Reed was beside himself with excitement!!! He was soo funny, he was really shaking trying to get the envelope open!
All is well in the Hackleman House, now that brown blanky can rest with Reed!
We even had our first grill out of the season!!! I love it when it is grill weather because Todd cooks!!
Reed had a tragic week however with the loss of Brown Blanky. Reed got to spend the weekend at 'Ma's house because I was on call and Todd needed a yard day pre-spring/summer sports weekends. So Reed went to 'Ma's on Saturday and got to go to the carnival at her school and the 'Ma's park. BUT we did not get home with Brown Blanky!!! If you have a child with a lovey or security blanket or understand. I thought we were going to be driving back to Kiowa, but through the tears and after the tantrum of kicking the door out to the garage amist screams of "Maamaa, Reed -- Car --- Ma's --- Brown Blank --- NOWWW!!" Reed decided that he was big and after a convincing phone call that 'Ma did indeed have the blanket and it was safe. He decided that the Lightning McQueen blanket would work for a day or two. At his every chance he did tell me that the Lightning blanket was NOT brown blanky and was brown blanky still at 'Ma's!?!
Much to his delight, Brown Blanky came in the mail yesterday! Reed was beside himself with excitement!!! He was soo funny, he was really shaking trying to get the envelope open!
All is well in the Hackleman House, now that brown blanky can rest with Reed!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Rock Chalk Reed?!?
No, don't worry Reed has not converted to a Jayhawk..sorry Lexy! But we did enjoy the sunshine a few days this last week and one day we made a "chalk" Reed on the driveway. Reed thought it was really neat and we have to go look at it everytime we go outside! Too bad that it is supposed to rain and snow this weekend and wash 'chalk Reed' away. Oh well, we will have to make another one.
Reed did learn to say "yucky Chickenhawks!" Don't know where that came from?!? ;)
Reed did learn to say "yucky Chickenhawks!" Don't know where that came from?!? ;)
weekend of March 5th - Seasame Street Live
The weekend of March 5th we had Cresten with us (Audrey's youngest) He is 9 months younger than Reed so they have a big time. We had tickets to Seasame Street Live on Saturday morning, so Todd and I took the boys to see Elmo!! Do to a ticket error we ended up in the 3rd row, which was really the front row due to no one sitting in the first 2 rows because they were pre-sold and not used. There was some drama with people trying to move into those seats and some mothers behind us not having any of it! Todd thought that was the best part of the show! I thought the entire thing was great and the boys loved it! The ELMO balloon was Reed's favorite part!
where did the time go?
I've just realized that it has been weeks since I last posted. I'm not even sure what all we have been doing! I guess we have been living...I do know that nights have been busy with the adjustment to the big boy bed and the time change. All in all I'll try to get some posts up tonight to get you all caught up on what we have been doing.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Sweet Boy!
Well we are in night number 2 of the big boy bed...and it is a challenge needless to is just so darn easy to get up and play! I am picking my battles and remaining calm and cool, but it was just before 10pm when he finally fell asleep!
In the battle of laying down, we were reading books and Reed was flopping around like a fish trying to get settled, or remain unsettled so he wouldn't fall asleep, anyway we bonked heads really hard! He got me right between the eyes on the bridge of the nose and it immediately made my eyes water! He got so upset, he said..."oh, oh, Mommy! Reed broke Mom's head!! Mommy cry, no! Reed fix head, Mom!" Then he grabbed my hair (like he was going to scalp me!) and kissed my forehead about 10 times! That brought tears to my eyes! What a sweet, sweet boy I have!
Now if he'll just sleep all night in that big boy bed!
In the battle of laying down, we were reading books and Reed was flopping around like a fish trying to get settled, or remain unsettled so he wouldn't fall asleep, anyway we bonked heads really hard! He got me right between the eyes on the bridge of the nose and it immediately made my eyes water! He got so upset, he said..."oh, oh, Mommy! Reed broke Mom's head!! Mommy cry, no! Reed fix head, Mom!" Then he grabbed my hair (like he was going to scalp me!) and kissed my forehead about 10 times! That brought tears to my eyes! What a sweet, sweet boy I have!
Now if he'll just sleep all night in that big boy bed!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Big Boy!
Reed made it home from Nana and Papa Hackleman's today! He did so good! He of course got a perfect report from Nana and Papa...they think he is an absolute Angel...boy does he have them wrapped around his little finger. We are so glad to have them to spoil and love him! He had the best time. He also got to see his cousins Trey and Taylor and his Uncle Kirk. He talked about all of them all the way home. He absolutely loved every minute of his time there.
He came home so big! (Probably because you eat really good at Nana Hackleman's...I know he helped bake a cake yesterday and he told me he had i-cream w/ Papa.) My how fast they change in just a week. Todd and I were amazed at how much better he talks and how tall he looks!
He has been working on potty training as well. I'd say we are about 50% effective at the moment, which I think is great. He is did go twice for me today and once was at the A&W in Iola! Yeah Reed! I told him I was so proud of him because he was such a big boy. He said "Yes, Reed is BIG!!!"
ALSO, Reed is spending his first night in his BIG BOY bed! Yes, we took down the crib and converted to a toddler bed! Pray for us that he does not escape to the garage to ride his bike or hit baseballs in the middle of the night! He was pretty excited to see it when he got home, he climbed in and covered up, then jumped on it to test it out, then told me it was broken because the crib side was missing! He went to get Todd to fix it! It was a challenge getting in there tonight, but so far so good.
He came home so big! (Probably because you eat really good at Nana Hackleman's...I know he helped bake a cake yesterday and he told me he had i-cream w/ Papa.) My how fast they change in just a week. Todd and I were amazed at how much better he talks and how tall he looks!
He has been working on potty training as well. I'd say we are about 50% effective at the moment, which I think is great. He is did go twice for me today and once was at the A&W in Iola! Yeah Reed! I told him I was so proud of him because he was such a big boy. He said "Yes, Reed is BIG!!!"
ALSO, Reed is spending his first night in his BIG BOY bed! Yes, we took down the crib and converted to a toddler bed! Pray for us that he does not escape to the garage to ride his bike or hit baseballs in the middle of the night! He was pretty excited to see it when he got home, he climbed in and covered up, then jumped on it to test it out, then told me it was broken because the crib side was missing! He went to get Todd to fix it! It was a challenge getting in there tonight, but so far so good.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Lucky...But Not Wealthy!
I am so tired!!! Back from Las Vegas with some very good girlfriends for a bachelorette party! I am so lucky to have so many powerful, wonderful women in my life, however...we are none the richer!! We are much better shoppers than gamblers! We did have a great time and were able to see Carlos Santana at the Hard Rock Cafe. He was FANTASTIC!!! It was so much fun.
Reed is at his Nana and Papa Hackleman's and having the time of his life! He is too busy to talk to his Mommy. I miss him, but will take the week to get some extra stuff done at the house that is a challenge to do when busy hands and feet are helping.
Todd enjoyed a weekend to himself despite having to work. Maybe I can get a date night out of him this week!?!
Reed is at his Nana and Papa Hackleman's and having the time of his life! He is too busy to talk to his Mommy. I miss him, but will take the week to get some extra stuff done at the house that is a challenge to do when busy hands and feet are helping.
Todd enjoyed a weekend to himself despite having to work. Maybe I can get a date night out of him this week!?!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Heart Cookie Video
Here is a look at Reed cutting out "hearts". Lucky for Mommy, I'm the only one getting cookies! Dad and Grandma are out of luck!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Heart Cookies!
Reed and I made Valentine cookies tonight...sorta! It was so fun and messy!! Of course today was cleaning day so Todd was mortified that Reed and I destroyed the kitchen but we had a great time making "hearts"! Reed was so excited. We were talking about hearts and I asked him if he knew where his heart was? He held up his hands in the "I don't know" gesture! I pointed to his chest and told him it was inside and tried to get him to feel it beating with his hand. Instead he was devasted that he couldn't see it! So we had to make cookies and eat one so the heart would be inside!!! Good excuse, huh?
Pictures will follow later!
Pictures will follow later!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Well I am not as young as I used to be~! I spent this last weekend with my girlfriends scrapbooking! Sleep was little and I am too old to pull allnighters! I did get quite a bit done and got lots of good girl time. I honestly wasn't feeling the lack of sleep until today but I'll blame Reed for that. He didn't sleep well at all last night, not sure if isn't feeling well, cutting molars, or just needing some Mommy time! Apparently I vowed several times to him in the middle of the night when moving from couch to recliner to bed to recliner to couch that I was never sleeping with him again. Todd reported that it was rather comical and ridiculously untrue...but for those of you who have talked with a tramautically wakened Christy will know I am not nice...not even close to nice. I might have multiple personalities that only come out with sleep deprivation...and mine are mean! I typically don't remember much about it other than a recollection of the emotion. So poor sickly Reed had to deal with his WICKED mother in the night last night. He made it to bed tonight but with some continued drama so I think he doesn't feel 100%. With that being said...I better get to sleep before he wakes up the BEAST!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Reed's Two Year Old Pictures...a few months late
Here is a slide show of Reed's two year old pictures. They were taken at Clix here in Derby and I thought they did a great job in a short efficient amount of time. I was pleased. Plus I got the copyright of the prints. These were taken a couple weeks before Christmas and a few months after his 2nd birthday. So, I'm slowly catching up. Spent some down time today organizing pictures on the computer and playing with Photoshop! How fun!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Dog Bank
For Christmas this year Reed got a bank that is shaped like a dog. When Reed saw it for the first time he called it a "dog barn" we said no it is a "bank" so we showed him how to put some pennies in it that we had in the "loose" change dish.
And so it begins...any thing that is round and shiny is "a monies" and goes in the "dog bank". Reed will randomly find something, gasps and runs to his room. I was amazed to think that we had that much loose change around, I mean we could be millionaires and not know it!
So the other day I looked in his bank...there are buttons, one earring (looks like a coin shape),a Canadian quarter, some pesos, and some game pieces that are like small poker chips! There was also a lot of change in there... Reed caught me looking in his bank and was mortified that I was taking his "monies"!
Tonight I had on a necklace that my friend Libby gave me, and it is a gold disc shape...Reed tried to pull it off to put in his Dog Bank. I told him it wasn't money, bet he kept asking until bedtime to see if I'd change my mind!
I am glad he is a saver! I want to take him to the bank to put his monies' in there but I'm not sure he will let them keep it. He loves his monies!
And so it begins...any thing that is round and shiny is "a monies" and goes in the "dog bank". Reed will randomly find something, gasps and runs to his room. I was amazed to think that we had that much loose change around, I mean we could be millionaires and not know it!
So the other day I looked in his bank...there are buttons, one earring (looks like a coin shape),a Canadian quarter, some pesos, and some game pieces that are like small poker chips! There was also a lot of change in there... Reed caught me looking in his bank and was mortified that I was taking his "monies"!
Tonight I had on a necklace that my friend Libby gave me, and it is a gold disc shape...Reed tried to pull it off to put in his Dog Bank. I told him it wasn't money, bet he kept asking until bedtime to see if I'd change my mind!
I am glad he is a saver! I want to take him to the bank to put his monies' in there but I'm not sure he will let them keep it. He loves his monies!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
One of the things that I am behind on with this blog is all the funny things Reed says. His language is developing every day and he says something new and funny. He is Mr. Independent. More often than not, I hear "Reed do it!" with much passion. He thinks he can scramble eggs (his favorite) - toast bread - stir chocolate milk - get "toot nacks" aka fruit snacks all by himself. He also thinks that anything flavored chocolate is "chocomilk".
Most recently Reed was watching a movie in our bedroom with his cars. Todd always has a glass of water by the bed, before I could stop him "Lightning, shower Mom, oh Dad wet bed, night night, no, no!" in other words Reed poured the glass of water on his car right where Todd would sleep!
Last week I was in a fender bender...I know another story all in itself. Needless to say my front bumper is mangled and it looks chewed up. Reed saw it..said 'Oh, Mom car broken, Prune did it (with an affirmative nod, like he'd seen that before)'. Prune is Truman our chocolate lab! Highly probable but not this time, buddy!
Most recently Reed was watching a movie in our bedroom with his cars. Todd always has a glass of water by the bed, before I could stop him "Lightning, shower Mom, oh Dad wet bed, night night, no, no!" in other words Reed poured the glass of water on his car right where Todd would sleep!
Last week I was in a fender bender...I know another story all in itself. Needless to say my front bumper is mangled and it looks chewed up. Reed saw it..said 'Oh, Mom car broken, Prune did it (with an affirmative nod, like he'd seen that before)'. Prune is Truman our chocolate lab! Highly probable but not this time, buddy!
The Scrapbook Bug has Bitten!
Okay, I'm ready! I have all these scrapbook layouts buzzing around in my head. I am so ready to go to Cropaganza with my girlfriends that I can't hardly stand it. I am trying to get pictures ordered and all the stuff ready. Plus two weekends within a month with my girls...who can beat that!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Fun Weekend w/ Girlfriends!
I am very blessed to have wonderful girlfriends in my life. Every girl needs them. This last weekend my dear friend Libby was in town with her two beautiful children. We were able to play at the park on Friday evening with the kids. It is so fun to watch all their different personalities grow and develop!
Saturday Libby and my other dear friends Lexy and Randa took all the kids including Reed and Randa's two to the bouncy houses in Wichita. I was on call and I must admit I am jealous that I did not get to go do this very fun thing! I will so be making a trip with Reed again soon! From all was a blast! Reed told me "Reed jump high to the moon, jump high in sky, Mom!"
Saturday evening after much babysitting drama...was spent at one of our old haunts with some Mommy beverages and lots of good girl time. Something I really needed.
And then it was Sunday...Reed and Mommy slept!
Saturday Libby and my other dear friends Lexy and Randa took all the kids including Reed and Randa's two to the bouncy houses in Wichita. I was on call and I must admit I am jealous that I did not get to go do this very fun thing! I will so be making a trip with Reed again soon! From all was a blast! Reed told me "Reed jump high to the moon, jump high in sky, Mom!"
Saturday evening after much babysitting drama...was spent at one of our old haunts with some Mommy beverages and lots of good girl time. Something I really needed.
And then it was Sunday...Reed and Mommy slept!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
This is for Kelly!
Okay, so I am way behind on my blogging! And one of my resolutions will be to do better! Ha! Already behind. A patient told me the other day something that I told him I was going to steal. I asked him how he was doing that day...and he replied, "well, in the rat race of life I am at least a few laps behind and probably have been lapped by everyone else at least once!" That is exactly how I feel!
So, I will at my family's request...(Kelly and others - no, Kelly you weren't the only one that commented I was behind on the blog! :) ) I will do my best to update a little every night or every other to get caught up!
Today was a great day, we celebrated my Grandma Thompson's 89th birthday. She said, she guessed we'd keep having these parties until she kicks the bucket! Gotta love Grandma's humor! It was great to see everyone. I'll try to blog more about her tomorrow, because it is WAY past my bedtime and I would love to put down my thoughts with a clear head!
So, I will at my family's request...(Kelly and others - no, Kelly you weren't the only one that commented I was behind on the blog! :) ) I will do my best to update a little every night or every other to get caught up!
Today was a great day, we celebrated my Grandma Thompson's 89th birthday. She said, she guessed we'd keep having these parties until she kicks the bucket! Gotta love Grandma's humor! It was great to see everyone. I'll try to blog more about her tomorrow, because it is WAY past my bedtime and I would love to put down my thoughts with a clear head!
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