Saturday, August 14, 2010

Summer recap!

My where has the summer gone? Apparently we have been way to busy to keep up with the blogging! So here is my GIANT effort to catch up on the summer and all the Reedisms we have experienced.

We have been working and playing so hard that we can't believe the summer is over! I guess the weather doesn't know that as it is still 100+ today and sounds like it will stay hot for a while yet, but school is starting for those around us, and I guess Reed gets to start 2yr old Sunday School tomorrow so that is monumentous...especially since he started saying..."OH, GOD!" this week when something bad happens to him. I honestly am not sure where he heard this phrase as it is one that is not used in our house. Some other choice words on occasion but not this one. So we had a long talk that you are not supposed to say GOD like that and we can say God when we are praying, or in church or talking about Jesus's Daddy. So today, when he wanted to say that he told me he'd wait until church tomorrow....Oh, good I can hardly wait for our first day of Sunday school!

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