Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dog Bank

For Christmas this year Reed got a bank that is shaped like a dog. When Reed saw it for the first time he called it a "dog barn" we said no it is a "bank" so we showed him how to put some pennies in it that we had in the "loose" change dish.

And so it begins...any thing that is round and shiny is "a monies" and goes in the "dog bank". Reed will randomly find something, gasps and runs to his room. I was amazed to think that we had that much loose change around, I mean we could be millionaires and not know it!

So the other day I looked in his bank...there are buttons, one earring (looks like a coin shape),a Canadian quarter, some pesos, and some game pieces that are like small poker chips! There was also a lot of change in there... Reed caught me looking in his bank and was mortified that I was taking his "monies"!

Tonight I had on a necklace that my friend Libby gave me, and it is a gold disc shape...Reed tried to pull it off to put in his Dog Bank. I told him it wasn't money, bet he kept asking until bedtime to see if I'd change my mind!

I am glad he is a saver! I want to take him to the bank to put his monies' in there but I'm not sure he will let them keep it. He loves his monies!

1 comment:

Libby said...

love all the new blog updates! of course, I should be ordering pics and not checking blogs - gotta get on it - I may be paying big for shipping from snapfish ;)