Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dot Dogs, Mom!

Today was Reed's 2nd birthday! I can't believe that he is 2 years old already. Time flies when you are having fun and I am amazed everyday for his sure zest for life. He is a happy, ornery little boy! Not a baby any more, but a little boy. I was talking out loud tonight to him like I have always done his whole life, and I asked him what we should have for supper tonight, not really expecting an answer and he said "dot dogs, mom" However, I didn't quite understand so I said "what about the dogs?" He stomped and pointed at his tummy and said "dot dogs!" I don't think he meant that he was a HOT DOG, so I asked if that was what he wanted to eat. This produced BIG smiles and claps! So we had hot dogs and cake. It is only your birthday one time a year!

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