Sunday, April 5, 2009

Fun Filled Weekend!

This weekend has been a lot of fun, but very exhausting! It is 8:20 PM on Sunday night and I am contemplating going to bed. I have much admiration for mothers with 4 or more children, for mothers with multiples, and for mothers with children less than 1 year apart! We had the pleasure of having the Pore boys at our house this weekend. It was tons of fun for everyone, but boy are we tired. If you don't know the Pores...they are my sister's 3 boys. They are ages 4, 4, and 9 months. Then, you add Reed at 18 months to the mix and you are BUSY!!!! My mom came up to help since Todd was working all weekend and with those 4 motors it was great to have another adult around! We were thankful that it was 75 degrees out yesterday so we could play outside. It was windy, but we didn't care. We went to the playground at the school by my house that Connor now calls "Reed's school" (everyone in our family has a school, you know, because my parents and his mom teach. They are in pre-K so they have a school too.) We eventually had to come home to eat lunch but it is a big playground and I think Reed ran about 6 miles from one end to the other. After lunch we played football and chase in our backyard until everyone was just too tired! We had to come in and rest for a while. Then it was time for supper. The little boys were pretty worn out because they stayed up late the night with all the excitement of being together a playing. So I stayed home with the little guys and grandma took the big boys to the "other park". We have a city park about 4 blocks the other direction from the school playground that we played at in the morning. Caydan and Connor had taken turns pulling the wagon earlier in the day and they wanted to take the wagon to the "other park". So off they went and from the reports it was really fun!!! They found a bridge and a little river! They even found a different way to come home! It was very exciting! Among other things we ate banana splits and chocolate chip pancakes, and then Cresten took his first steps to his Daddy when they came to pick them up! Reed played so hard with all those boys that he crashed for a 2 hour nap, literally 2 minutes after they left. He was down for the count by 7:40pm tonight! We look forward to all getting together again, but maybe next time I'll take a half day off work to recover! :) LOL...Just kidding! I'd do it again in a heartbeat!

1 comment:

Randa said...

Sounds like a great weekend with the cousins!! GOOD TIMES!!! Don't you love a good early bed time! :)

BTW, the new picture of Reed and Todd is TOO CUTE! I'm impressed that you finally got that child a Tiger shirt! :) Good wife.

Miss you guys...we must play soon at a park near you!