Sunday, January 18, 2009

Playing at the Park!

What a weekend! Reed and I started off by leaving Dad at home and heading to Kiowa Friday night after work. We rolled in to town about 7:45pm, which means that Reed took a late 1 hour nap in the car on the way down. So needless to say bedtime was a little later than usual since Grandma's house had lots of things to explore that Reed couldn't see or climb on last time he was there because he just wasn't big enough. It was like a NEW place! It was so exciting, Mom and I didn't know if he would give up to go to sleep!

We spent Saturday in Capron celebrating my Grandma Thompson's 88th birthday party. It was also a celebration of my great Aunt Eleanor's 75th birthday so lots of family and food! A traditional Schwerdtfeger gathering.

Before the birthday party was planned Todd and I had planned a much needed night out with our couple friends. So, after the party - I left Reed with Grandma and made a mad dash back to Derby to pick up Todd and head to the movie in Wichita. Who says the economy is bad...everyone in the tri-state area was at the Warren East on Saturday night! Thanks to some illeagal parking some sneaky ticket work we made it in to the Sold Out Gran Torino just in time. We had a fantastic time and enjoyed dinner afterward with our friends at Granite City. We are getting old though, I think we called it a night by midnight.

Today, I met Mom in Harper to pick up Reed. It was a beautiful day so we met at the city park and let Reed play for a while. He had the best time. I think it did us all some good to see the joy of simple things through the eyes of a child. I think we went down the slide 20 times and tried out every other piece of playground equipment at least once. That includes each one of the swings! Reed also found every piece of trash in the park that wasn't in the can! At first sight, the park looked really clean! Leave it to Reed!


TLB said...

I'm glad to see YOU in a photo too! ;) Love Reed's sweatshirt! You'd be proud - Kaylynn's wearing all her OU gear today which includes a giant crimson bow.

LexyMae said...

I love the top picture! You and Reed both look like you are just having a blast! :)

Randa said...

Sounds like a great weekend!! Good job Reed, already knows the KAY Way, leave it better than you found it!!

Glad you had a great one!
