Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Home Sweet Home!!

Yesterday was a big day at the Thompson's house. The ultimate conclusion was that we got Dad home. Boy, is he happy!!

The day began with a hard conversation with Dr. Wilhelm and our wonderful nurse, Shelly. The bottom line is that the cancer has progressed to the point where we are at the end of life. Dad's goals are to have as much quality time as he can with time he as remaining. He would love to have at least one good day with his 5 grandkids. So after some discussion of what our options were, we made a decision to call in Hospice for a consultation. The next decision was what do we do about the fluid build up or ascites? Well, I truly think that we had some Divine intervention, because at the time we are discussing our options the surgeon, Dr. Ransom, that is only there two days a month happens to be there yesterday. He was able to explain to us that a Denver Shunt was not what we thought it was. What we really wanted was a perioteneal catheter. Once we figured that out, Dr. Ransom said, "well, I can do that right here, right now." If his blood pressure stayed up then he would get to go home! Yeah!!!

So, we have a catheter in his belly! It looks like a bad commercial for Viagra (Dad's words not mine), or a really large "outie". He has a styrofoam cup taped to the front of him covering up the tube and valve. We are waiting for the hospice nurse to come today to really get started. We are going to learn how to drain him and monitor his blood pressure. The catheter allows him to drain fluid for comfort relief, which gives him more energy and stamina. The hospice consultants came home with us yesterday and got all his medical equipment, i.e. shower chair, oxygen, walker, etc. I think they are in as good of shape as they can be. Dad even talked about going up to school for an hour or so next week. (He must be feeling better!)

We are so glad to have him home and look forward to the good quality time ahead. We know that it won't be without challenges, but we are grateful to all our friends and family for their love, support, and prayers. Please keep them coming!


kgnye said...

We appreciate you keeping us posted on your dad's medical status, Christy. He is a terrific
person. His wit, courage and perserverance through all of this have been amazing and so inspirational to all of us. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Rhonda said...

Oh what a blessing to be home! I am so glad for him and all of you. Nothing like being at home, no matter what it takes! I will keep you all in my prayers! Give your mom a big hug!

TLB said...

Glad to hear he's at home. We're enjoying the blog. :)
love y'all!

Randa said...

What a day! That is great! I continue to be in awe of your dad's courage and strength. Tell him Hello and we're praying for him.