Wow, where did November go! I guess it has been a busy month although I'm not really sure what we did. We had some birthday parties and lots of work and as much outdoor park time that we could get. Reed is growing like a weed. We have moved into 4T pants because of his long legs and we got new shoes that I hope will last until spring but the way that kid's feet grow...who knows. He is a busy little boy that loves animals and has an evergrowing Cwrismas Wist! He has lots of "needs v. wants" and lots of wheels turning in his head which results in "mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom..." "what Reed?" "um, um, um, Mom, mom..I don't know" - can we say broken record!!! He has very little desire to be potty trained despite all mine and the sitter's efforts. I believe that he is taking the Hackleman stance on this and he will do what he wants in his own time. (doesn't mean I'm quitting on him...The Thompson stubborness will not let his mother rest!)
Speaking of Thompsons...two years ago today we lost a great one. I miss my dear ole dad everyday, as I watch my little man grow and change I see so much in him that my pop would have loved. I know he isn't missing a minute of it, but I wish I could hear his clever antedotes and his laughter over things like Reed telling me "Mom, you talking toooo much!" or watching him golf in the backyard or learning to hit a pitched ball. With many memories on my mind this evening...I'll say good night to you all and to my dad...I love you and miss you everyday!