Friday, January 23, 2009

TGIF!!! - I am sooo old because....

I am so old because I am excited to stay home this weekend and do laundry, clean house, play with Reed, and maybe, just maybe get that January layout finished! Can it all happen? Probably not, but my intentions for the weekend will be good, very good. I've always been a big dreamer and often an overachiever so we will see what comes this weekend. Laundry and Reed are the priority so that is all that may get done. Let's just pray we won't all have cabin fever with this cold nasty weather coming! Hope everyone has a Happy Saturday!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sweeping, Sweeping!

Reed taking his broom to the next room!

Sweepin', Sweepin', I'm Sweepin' Sam!

"Hey Mom, what do you got for me to sweep?"

Mommy's little helper!

For those of you that don't know, Reed loves to sweep. He has been fascinated with brooms of any kind, shape and size since he was big enough to find them. So for Christmas, Aunt Phoebe got him his very own broom! It has been hysterical to watch! Reed has always thrown or dropped food off his high chair, first to be funny, then to feed Jack, now I think he does it so he can sweep it up. (the little broom, actually sweeps pretty well!) The funny part is that the new broom has a name. It is "Sweepin' Sam!" He talks to you while you sweep! Reed loves it and jabbers right back! Thanks for helping us make a great memory, Aunt Phoebe!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Playing at the Park!

What a weekend! Reed and I started off by leaving Dad at home and heading to Kiowa Friday night after work. We rolled in to town about 7:45pm, which means that Reed took a late 1 hour nap in the car on the way down. So needless to say bedtime was a little later than usual since Grandma's house had lots of things to explore that Reed couldn't see or climb on last time he was there because he just wasn't big enough. It was like a NEW place! It was so exciting, Mom and I didn't know if he would give up to go to sleep!

We spent Saturday in Capron celebrating my Grandma Thompson's 88th birthday party. It was also a celebration of my great Aunt Eleanor's 75th birthday so lots of family and food! A traditional Schwerdtfeger gathering.

Before the birthday party was planned Todd and I had planned a much needed night out with our couple friends. So, after the party - I left Reed with Grandma and made a mad dash back to Derby to pick up Todd and head to the movie in Wichita. Who says the economy is bad...everyone in the tri-state area was at the Warren East on Saturday night! Thanks to some illeagal parking some sneaky ticket work we made it in to the Sold Out Gran Torino just in time. We had a fantastic time and enjoyed dinner afterward with our friends at Granite City. We are getting old though, I think we called it a night by midnight.

Today, I met Mom in Harper to pick up Reed. It was a beautiful day so we met at the city park and let Reed play for a while. He had the best time. I think it did us all some good to see the joy of simple things through the eyes of a child. I think we went down the slide 20 times and tried out every other piece of playground equipment at least once. That includes each one of the swings! Reed also found every piece of trash in the park that wasn't in the can! At first sight, the park looked really clean! Leave it to Reed!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Yeah for Lexy!!!

The tree is down, the tree is down, thank God Almighty, the tree is down.

Today I was fortunate enough to have the day off thanks to doctor's appointments for me and my babysitter (no kids for her today!) so Reed and I stayed home this morning and Lexy came early this afternoon to help me get the tree down while Reed napped. Then off I went to my appointment and to do some shopping for Todd's birthday! He will be the big 4-0 on Tuesday next week. He is so excited! ;) Overall, I would call today a success, home with my busy boy, 9ft Christmas tree down and put away, and a husband that finished the rest while I was gone! Can't beat that! Thanks, Lex for all your help!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

I am not usually one to set New Year's Resolutions, but this year, after all that has gone on in the last few months feels like a good time to do just that. Like the true "orange" personality I am, I am doing it in the 2nd week in January instead of at the first of the year!

So, here goes: I resolve to...
  • Focus on my relationship with God and increase my activity in my church.
  • Spend more quality time with my family - not just my husband and son, but extended family as well, on both the Thompson and the Hackleman side.
  • Leave work at work and serve it well while I am there, but when I am home serve it well without distractions from work.
  • Re-connect with old friends
  • Scrapbook a least 1 layout a month! (we'll see how this works out?)

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Well, I am anxiously awaiting the big game on Thursday night. It is killing me that I can't be there. Instead Todd and I purchased a new hot water heater after the Big XII championship! We will all be enjoying warm showers this week instead!

Never, has the pressure been greater for my Sooners! I have 30 points riding on them which can clinch the Bowl-a-rama victory for me if they win. I need then to hang half a hundred on them by halftime and not give up a hundred in the meantime!



Oh, and everyone knows the fight song has a second verse, right? :)

Friday, January 2, 2009

I know what 2009 will ornery toddler!!

Curious George, Batman, Turkey Lurkey, Grease Lightening! you name it, these are just a few of the names that we have called Reed this week. If you want some adventure, get your running shoes on and come on over to the Hackleman House! Don't turn your back though, cause you might miss something! We are just thankful that there aren't two of him. Even my sister, the mother of twins agreed! Gotta love him, he's just so stinking cute!

Glad to hear that Kalo's Grandma Betsy is out of the hospital! We now that is a true joy for everyone!

We are headed to Missouri for our last Christmas with the Hackleman's in the morning and then back home on Sunday. So I better get these pictures posted and get the last of my presents wrapped! :) Nothing like procrastination!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy 2009 from the Hackleman's we look forward to a bright and happy new year and season. We are looking forward to putting the stresses of the past year behind us and enjoying all the blessing this coming year has to bring. We are enjoying the day at home as a family today, watching parades, football and eating snacks!

One of the first blessing of the new year came with news from our dear friends the Hinemans. Andy, Libby, Kalo and Maggie have had a stressful holiday season with Andy's mom Betsy having to endure not one but two heart surgeries. She had some scary moments but we got news today that she may get out of the hospital soon to recovery at her sisters home. We are so glad and thankful to hear this news. They have been in our thoughts and prayers daily. It sounds like this is a major hurdle to leap, with many more in a long journey towards Betsy's recovery. We know in our family what the power of prayer can do so please put Betsy on your list. She will feel the support and power and put it to good use in her rehab, I can guarantee it!

Our love goes out to you, Hineman's!